Unclanned Empire Listing

Color Key: Protected - Administrator
Rank Empire Player Land Networth Clan Race Era Attacks Defends Kills
4 Quietust (Admin) (#1,781) Quietust (#1) 25,000 $49,160,192 None Human Future 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
39 Game is all yours, have fun (#1,827) okcell (#378) 2,396 $1,545,042 None Goblin Past 0 (0%) 9 (0%) 0
40 muff divers (#1,831) muffman69 (#602) 1,305 $1,122,014 None Orc Past 0 (0%) 15 (0%) 0
27 XxoxX (#1,832) rinsandomanity (#603) 10,829 $7,667,321 None Gremlin Past 17 (88%) 18 (39%) 0
29 lightmyfire (#1,806) Adam (#511) 7,685 $6,247,220 None Elf Past 46 (65%) 205 (8%) 0
30 Leiden (#1,821) shaun10 (#596) 4,399 $5,988,785 None Troll Past 131 (82%) 84 (10%) 0
35 B-Rad-ium (#1,784) b-rad (#585) 5,644 $4,172,561 None Drow Past 140 (96%) 96 (5%) 0
1 Spartacus (#1,782) Revelation (#462) 12,011 $88,125,816 None Drow Past 145 (93%) 98 (16%) 0
37 DK Come!Get My Dick (#1,829) YavrumAliKemal (#581) 3,668 $3,840,207 None Drow Past 151 (85%) 153 (2%) 0
6 ISmokeThatChronic (#1,807) Crazy (#427) 14,377 $43,638,498 None Drow Past 215 (96%) 191 (9%) 0
36 Bozkurt (#1,791) Başbuğ Atilla (#578) 5,336 $3,913,433 None Drow Past 221 (88%) 282 (6%) 0
32 JackRipper (#1,785) serial killers (#590) 6,393 $4,713,439 None Dwarf Future 241 (91%) 274 (3%) 0
2 Expialidocious (#1,788) tim (#13) 18,680 $70,027,823 None Goblin Future 289 (87%) 313 (6%) 0
Rank Empire Player Land Networth Clan Race Era Attacks Defends Kills

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